
You are Freed to Succeed!

Why do so many people or shall I say Christian people struggle with the idea of success? Is it because they hardly ever heard their pastor preach a sermon about success? Unless the sermon is based on Matthew 5-7 commonly referred to as the Sermon on the Mount, in most churches we rarely hear teaching about biblical success. In the Sermon on the Mount, however, Jesus distills the spiritual principals that both precede and promote true success. Practicing these principals frees you to maximize your full potential and become everything God intended you to become. I encourage you to read or reread the Sermon on the Mount and contemplate how relevant and practical the sayings of Jesus really are. Unfortunately, these principals of success are often poorly represented or misrepresented in our day and age, leading some to conclude that "that success stuff just doesn't sound biblical."  For example, are we supposed to set goals, or are we to take no thought for tomorrow? Are we supposed to build our confidence, or have no confidence in the flesh? Should we strive for greatness, or sould we be content in all circumstances? Are we to improve our self-image, or should we deny ourselves?  These apparent contradictions have paralyzed many Christians, including myself, from maximizing their potential. However, upon deep examination, the notion that success is wrong or even contrary to biblical truth cannot be seriously defended.
Like much of the enemy's handiwork, the tainting and shunning of success has been  gradual  and subtle. Put a  negative spin on success, paint  success as unbiblical, scare Christians away -  then Christian leadership will slowly dissolve in a society that clearly is in need of Godly direction. What a cleaver scheme.
Success has been hijacked from the very people who believe in the original book of success - The Bible.
Over time, the concept of success has been polluted and distorted that bold, godly, success appears to have atrophied. It's influence is hardly felt. Many well-intentioned believers appears to be running from the potential they were blessed with at birth. As a result, God-inspired men and women are having less and less effect on the America they built. Interestingly, over the last decade an entire movement and ministry has attempted to rebrand true success with the word significance. Is this really necessary? Are we that afraid of the word success?  In my mind, and in the minds of my clients, authentic success requires significance. Significance doesn't follow success. It is the sum and substance of success. While Christians may have stepped back, the secular world has been setting the agenda trough legislative bodies, school boards, and the politically correct establishments that regulate the guidelines believers and non-believers alike must follow.
Jesus, help us!
This is an excerpt for the book: Success is Not an Accident By: Tommy Newberry

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